Melissa's Story - How it All Began

Growing up, I had a strong attraction and inclination for art and being inspired by nature - specifically watercoloring and drawing. In high school I worked as a delivery girl at my local flower shop in LA and fell in love with the flower "Ranunculus", which is where my love affair with flowers began. My love for flowers felt like a little crush that wouldn't go away - I loved flowers so much but didn't think I could turn it into a career, so I totally wrote off the idea of ever pursuing them. After receiving a degree in Graphic Design and many years of chronic depression, anxiety, and unfulfilling career paths in the merchandising industry, I decided to sit down with myself and figure out what I wanted to do with my life. Floral design had always been something I was interested in learning more about, so I took the leap and applied to a few local flower shops in Denver to see if I would actually like it. Fast forward a few years, and I felt the calling to start my own company where I can have full creative direction and management of my brand and vision. Pepper Rose was born in May of 2019 and has grown so quickly, and I am forever grateful for being able to pursue my passion as a business owner.

To learn more about my journey and how I got here, check out my podcast interview The She Factor here.

Melissa Thomas